For several years, the terms of reference for Planet Ecosse were to cover stories of varying subjects that told stories of the world according to Scotland.
During the past number of years, we have covered a wide range of topics from current affairs, and politics, to sports etc. And we will continue to do that and more, but not on this online platform, but on a new Scottish-based webzine which will be launched in the future. (Date to be confirmed).
For now, it is all about what is going to be the new look Planet Ecosse, which is going to cover a wide range of subjects and stories that are linked to something where Scotland has been a major player over the years: anything and everything that is linked to science and technology.
Some of the most famous game-changing inventions over the years have either been created or developed by Scottish hands, the kind that revolutionised the world, going as far back as the industrial age with the Steam Engine, to the telephone, penicillin, colour photography, and not forgetting the television.
The list continues.
That passion the country has for innovation along with boundless imagination and inspired creativity continues to be recognised worldwide, from in the PC Games industry, lifesaving medical treatments, the environment, and even the space race.
The new Planet Ecosse is in the early stages of development, but not only will we bring you Scientific and Technological news from Scotland, but we also plan to bring you stories that will be of interest to Scotland.
So much has been happening in the world of Science and Technology in recent years, and if Scotland is involved, then we will tell you about it.
Please keep checking back to our web page or our Facebook page for further updates.
Welcome to the new Planet Ecosse